Brain science for various of primates

Brain science for various of primates

Brain science for various of primates

The Primate Brain Science Association is the world's only association on brain science for a wide variety of primates.
Across continents, we conduct international and interdisciplinary research with researchers from a wide range of disciplines spanning biology, medical science, physics, engineering, chemistry, and computational science.
In 2018, this association will become the Japan Monkey Center (JMC) Primate Brain Imaging Repository, a High-precision brain anatomy images of brain specimens from 12 primate species are now available.
In 2022, we plan to release new brain anatomical images of 9 primate species.
At this time, we have provided brain images to more than 10 research teams and companies from different countries and in different fields, and We are contributing to the creation of intellectual value in primate brain science.
In order to disseminate research results to society, we conduct joint research and other activities in collaboration with universities and companies.
We are actively working to build a sustainable research foundation for primates, including the enhancement of animal ethics and animal welfare, and species conservation activities.